Detailed Treatment Consultation

At South Shore Dental Group, our Detailed Treatment Consultation is a cornerstone of the practice.

Here, we team up with you to create your path to optimal dental health.

Our approach to your family's care starts with a vision. We envision what's essential to bestow upon you and your loved ones excellent dental health, then chart the course to that destination.

Every recommendation we make and treatment we propose, holds a singular mission - to guide you to a place where you no longer need our interventions. Our mission is straightforward and simple - to help you attain a state of health that sustains itself.

Crafting your treatment plan and understanding its associated costs is crucial to reaching our shared goal - long-term health, comfort, and aesthetic pleasure. The journey to optimal dental health might be short for some, taking just a few visits. For others, the journey might be longer, requiring more extensive treatment. We will discuss alternative treatments with you, clarifying the benefits and drawbacks of each option. This way, you and your doctor can jointly decide on the best approach for you and your family.

We prioritize your care above all else. Instead of compromising the level of care to fit a budget, we adjust the timeframe and sequence of treatment to accommodate your financial needs. Together, we embark on this journey toward lasting oral health.