Porcelain Crowns and Bridges

While crowns can be fashioned from various materials, our go-to choice is tooth-colored ceramic.

These porcelain crowns are resilient, enduring, and blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Picture a crown as a protective cap, meticulously designed to cover an entire tooth. It helps restore your tooth's original shape, size, and, most importantly, its radiant appearance. If you have a missing tooth, we can place an implant and then top it with a crown. This method ensures your healthy adjacent teeth remain untouched, an advantage over the traditional, non-removable bridge.

You might consider crowns for:

  • Mending broken, fractured, or decayed teeth

  • Reinforcing root canalled teeth to prevent fractures

  • Reconstructing the proper bite for improved comfort and chewing efficiency

  • Enhancing your smile

  • Preventing severe fractures of weakened teeth

Next, we have porcelain bridges, non-removable structures that are designed to replace missing teeth. These can be supported by your natural teeth or dental implants, offering an effective alternative to traditional removable bridgework or partial dentures. While this certainly resolves cosmetic concerns, the primary reasons for replacing missing teeth are to prevent adjacent teeth from shifting, to provide adequate chewing areas, and to mitigate dental problems like periodontal disease, headaches, and TMJ discomfort.

At South Shore Dental Group, we carefully select the best tooth-colored ceramic material for your unique needs when creating bridgework. The fabrication of crowns or bridges typically spans two or more appointments, depending on the complexity of treatment.

For a single crown, we usually need two appointments. In the first, we prepare your tooth, take precise impressions for your porcelain crown and a temporary one that protects your tooth while the new crown is being made. In the second, we replace your temporary crown with the new one, securing it in place for a comfortable and precise fit.